I can smile and eat with confidence…Full arch dental implants

Posted on 23rd December 2023

This patient attended our clinic with his upper teeth all failing due to a combination of dental decay and bone loass associated with periodontal disease.

We performed a thorough assessment of the patient’s mouth during his consultation, including an in-depth CBCT scan assessment. This enabled us to thoroughly plan treatment to replace his upper teeth with 6 dental implants and a 12 unit implant supported bridge.

This gave our patient an opportunity to finally find a better solution to his ongoing dental problems. The thought of losing all of his upper teeth was daunting however, knowing that the treatment we had planned was going to be predictable made this experience much eeasier for him to experience.

We meticulously planned all of his treatment before we even removed a single tooth from his mouth. This meant everything could be achieved predicatbly with minimal risk.

The teeth were carefully removed and 6 Straumann dental implants were placed into his upper arch. These were placed along with a bone and gum graft. The patient had suffered with gum disease which was one of the main reasons why he was losing all of his upper teeth. By providing a bone and gum graft, we were able to strenghten his gums and bone to minimise future risk of a recurrent problem associated with his gums and bone. This is probably the most important part of implant treatment as it can be the feature that determines long term success of dental implants in most cases. At Infinity Dental Clinic we regularly provide this to all of our patients undergoing treatment as we aim to maximise the longevity of any treatment carried out using dental implants.

The final restorations are fitted 3-4 months later and during that time the patient is fitted with a temoporary bridge to enable him to continue to eat, speak and smile.

The final teeth were carefully designed using bespoke digital designs based on his own individual anatomy, facial features and jaw movements. This meant that the final teeth were as natural in appearance as possible.

The patient was delighted with the outcome of this treatment which has a truly life changing impact on his life. He can’t wait to take a bit into his first steak for many many years!

We love changing people’s lives and we are delgihted with the outcomes for our patient following this treatment.

Get in touch with our clinic if you would like to discuss this or anything else further at [email protected]

Thank you for reading.

Mohsin Patel


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