Renewed and restored – A full arch replaced with dental implants

Posted on 26th December 2023

Lack of confidence in eating, speaking and smiling is often the result of deteriorating dental health.

This patient attended our clinic with multiple missing teeth and his remaining teeth were in a poor state. Despite this, as is often the case, the patient was hanging on to his teeth out of fear that the alternative was actually worse than the situation he was currently in.

Wearing removable dentures has traditionally been the solution to replacing missing teeth however, removable dentures can be difficult for most people to wear and live with. They can be loose in function, affect speach and affect the individual’s quality of life.

For this reason, many people will hold on to bad teeth because the alternarive doesn’t appear to be much better.

However, with dental implants the possibilities are significantly improved. We provided this patient with implants in both the upper and lower jaws to provide him with a full replacement set of teeth. The teeth were made out of Zirconia and directly screwed into the dental implants to provide a fixed and permanant option for our patient. The teeth were designed using principles that took the patient’s natural anatomoy and facial structures into account. This then enabled our team to design a truly bespoke set of teeth to fit into his own smile.

These teeth are as natural in appearance as is possible and the strength of these teeth is unrivalled. They can chew through absolutely anything which means our patient now has a fully functional smile that also provides him with confidence in his own smile.

These treatments are truly life changing for all of our patients and make a huge difference to their lives, as well as the lives of their families and closest friends.

Thank you for reading,

Mohsin Patel BDS MJDF RCS (Eng)

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